Comparative Study for Effeciency between Dynamic and Modified Jaw Exercise toPrevent Trismus in Irradiated Head and Neck Cancer Patients


  • Thongta W, Sangplian S


Dynamic jaw exercise, Modified jaw exercise, Radiotherapy, Head and neck cancer


The study is Quasi Experimental design. The objective of this study is to compare the efficiency between dynamic and modified jaw exercise to prevent trismus in irradiated head and neck cancer patients. The patients was evaluated at least 3 month post–radiotherapy, thatwere randomly divided into 2 groups .Each group 30 patients, control group was the dynamic jaw exercise and experimental group was modified jaw exercise. These data records include the demographic data, total dose of radiation and maximum interincisal opening record. These instruments were tested for content validity by 3 experts. We analysed the data with the use of percentages, means, standard deviation and t-test.The study was done during July 1st, 2016 to June 30th, 2017. The dynamic jaw exercise group showed the maximum interincisal opening decrease in average of 0.53 cms. But the modified jaw exercise group were increase in average of 0.54 cms. These data showed that the modified jaw exercise group were better than dynamic jaw exercise group with statistical significance. Inconclusion the modified jaw exercise was move efficient than the dynamic jaw exercise to prevent trismus in irradiated head and neck cancer patients .


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How to Cite

Thongta W, Sangplian S. Comparative Study for Effeciency between Dynamic and Modified Jaw Exercise toPrevent Trismus in Irradiated Head and Neck Cancer Patients. J DMS [internet]. 2019 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 22];44(5):66-9. available from:



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