Model Development of Appropriate Elderly Dental Services in Thailand: Phonthong Hospital Network, Roi-Et Province


  • Pakdethanakul C , Srisubat A , Naovaratsophon A , Nipattasat P , Sompeewong P , Vichathai W


Aging and dental health, Public hospitals, Elderly dental services, Model development


Oral health problems in the elderly have a high incidence of disease. It is a cumulative and violent problem. But dental services for the elderly are not enough and thorough. This study aims to develop a model of dental services for the elderly in Thailand. The goal is to provide quality and effective services under the budget, resources and structure of existing systems for better quality of life for the elderly. This study consists of two parts: Part 1, Model development of dental care for the elderly. The data was collected from systematic reviews, 379 questionnaires and interviews with the personals in 15 public hospitals and also dental patients. The elements of 6 Building Blocks Plus was used to be the model development framework, according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization. Part 2: services was delivered to the elderly in the hospital of the pilot area. The Collaboration meetings were established to set up the guidelines of the dental care plan for the elderly. The dental survey was done by the health volunteers who were trained by the dental nurse. The patients were treated at the primary hospital and referred to the upper-level hospital. The results showed that providing patient services covered most of the target population by the dental nurse. A few patients were transferred to the upper center which reduce their travel burden. The patients and dental staffs were satisfied with the service system. Due to limitation of trial period, this model should be used in other areas in the country to find the issues that need to be improved and modified to set the appropriate standard of elderly dental services.


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How to Cite

Pakdethanakul C , Srisubat A , Naovaratsophon A , Nipattasat P , Sompeewong P , Vichathai W. Model Development of Appropriate Elderly Dental Services in Thailand: Phonthong Hospital Network, Roi-Et Province. J DMS [internet]. 2019 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 22];44(5):139-44. available from:



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