The Effectiveness of Resistance Exercise in Elderly with Sarcopenia: A Systematic Review


  • Chomwattanachai S, Niamhom S, Duangdee S, Permbotasi T


Resistance exercise, Elderly, Sarcopenia


Sarcopenia is one of geriatric syndromes with a continuous decrease in muscle mass and muscle strength, results in physical limitations leading to frailty, decreased activities of daily living, increased risk of falls and cardiovascular disease, diminished quality of life and increased mortality rate. Resistance exercise increases muscle mass and strength, allowing elderly with sarcopenia to stabilize, prevent falls and increase ability to perform daily activities. This systematic review aimed to study the effectiveness of resistance exercise in elderly with sarcopenia compared with non resistance exercise or others. We searched in MEDLINE database via PubMed and CENTRAL database via Cochrane. A systematic literature review was conducted in articles published between 2006 and 2016. There were 2 randomized controlled trials and 1 quasi randomized controlled trials. The results of this review showed that muscle strength and muscle mass of resistance exercise in elderly with sarcopenia were not different, when compared with non resistance exercise or others.


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How to Cite

Chomwattanachai S, Niamhom S, Duangdee S, Permbotasi T. The Effectiveness of Resistance Exercise in Elderly with Sarcopenia: A Systematic Review. J DMS [internet]. 2019 Feb. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 22];44(1):47-51. available from:



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