Innovative Bed Reduce or Treat Pressure Ulcer


  • Kanghae P


Innovative bed reduce or treat pressure ulcer, Patient with pressure ulcer


Pressure ulcer causes several complications in limited mobility patients. The development of innovative bed reduce or treat pressure ulcer is essential for the development of nursing quality. The purpose of this case report was to study the satisfaction with the use of innovation bed reduce or treat pressure ulcers and effectiveness of innovative bed reduce or treat pressure ulcers, in pathologic of spinal cord and pressure ulcers. He had low personal hygiene, limited of care and lack of knowledge of caregivers. The Bathel ADL Index score was 2 who did not admited in the hospital between November 2015 - January 2017. Data were collected by asking for satisfaction with the use of innovation and The Ulcer Scale for Healing (PUSH Tool Version 3.0) was used to study the effectiveness of the innovative bed reduce or treat pressure ulcers. Data were analyzed using for satisfaction with the use of innovation score and The Ulcer Scale for Healing score. The results revealed that at the end of this case report, The use of innovative bed reduce or treat pressure ulcers is effective healing of pressure ulcers. After rest on innovative bed reduce or treat pressure ulcers. Total score PUSH Tool reduced from 17 points to 0 points. Case report and relative are satisfied with the use of innovative bed reduce or treat pressure ulcers at the highest score. The reason that innovative bed reduce or treat pressure ulcer is softness, not hot, humid. The findings indicated that the innovative bed reduce or treat pressure ulcers is effective to heal pressure ulcers. Patients and relative are satisfaction. The effectiveness of this innovation with a larger sample size should be recommended for the further study.


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How to Cite

Kanghae P. Innovative Bed Reduce or Treat Pressure Ulcer. J DMS [internet]. 2019 Feb. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 23];44(1):52-6. available from:



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