Survival Rate of the Five Most Common Cancers in 2010 at Udonthani Cancer Hospital, Thailand


  • Phutivut V, Chiawiriyabunya I


Survival rate, Five most common cancers


Objective:To study the survival rate of the five most common cancers in 2010 at Udonthani Cancer Hospital, Thailand.Methods:The study design of this study was a retrospective cohort study. Survey the records all new cancer cases were diagnosedand treated at Udonthani cancer Hospital by the year 2010. All of cases were followed up the vital status until death or the end of study (December 31, 2016). The statistical analyzed included descriptive statistics, Kaplan-Meier survival Results. There were 1979 cases who were found 597 cases (30.1%) were still alive and 1,382 cases (69.8%) had died. The overall survival rates for 5 year was 32.3%. Analysis of five most common cancers as below. Result: Liver cancer most of them were male 69.8%, mean age 59.7 years (SD=10.8).The overall survival rate for 5 years was 3.9%. The 5-year stage-specific survivals had 100% for stage I, II, 5.6% for stage III and 3.4% for stage IV, respectively. Breast cancer most of them were female 99.4%, mean age 51.3 years (SD=10.5). The overall survival rate for 5 years was 66.3%. The 5-year stage-specific survivals had 90.70% for stage I, 75.44% for stage II, 61.7% for stage III and 26.0% for stage IV, respectively. Lung cancer most of them were male 67.4%, mean age 59.8 years (SD=10.7). The overall survival rate for 5 years was 8.2%. The 5-year stage-specific survivals had 15.3% for stage I, 100% for stage II, 14.8% for stage III and 5.8% for stage IV, respectively. Cervical Cancer all of them were female 100%, mean age 52.3 years (SD=11.8). The overall survival rate at 5 years was 50.9%. The 5-year stage-specific survivals had 67.5% for stage I, 72.6% for stage II, 27.7% for stage III and 20% for stage IV, respectively. Colorectal cancer most of them were male 52.6%, mean age 57.7 years (SD=12.8). The overall survival rate at 5 years was 32.3%. The 5-year stage-specific survivals had 80% for stage I, 63.6% for stage II, 39.6% for stage III and 10.1% for stage IV, respectively. Conclusions: The results indicated that the five most common cancers with stages of diagnosis had a lower survival rate. Additionally, the most prognosis factor was cellular/nuclear grading outcome were poor.


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How to Cite

Phutivut V, Chiawiriyabunya I. Survival Rate of the Five Most Common Cancers in 2010 at Udonthani Cancer Hospital, Thailand. J DMS [internet]. 2019 Feb. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];44(1):81-6. available from:



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