Development of a Parent Empowerment Model in Receiving Service of the Expanded Program on Immunization with Vaccines of Children Aged 0-5 Years Old Through Community Participation: A Case Study in Yala Province


  • Daya S, Lillahkul N, Noin J, Maharmud N


Empowerment, Receiving service of EIP with vaccine, Community participation


This qualitative research aimed to develop the model of parents of Thai-Muslim children who received service of the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) with vaccines in Yala Province. Eighty-five informants were obtained from community alliances, including public health staffs and village health volunteer, community leaders (sub-district headman, village leaders), religious leaders, parents of children aged 0-5 years old and family members who had the decision-making power. The data were gathered using in-depth interview, focus group discussion and non-participant observation. Thematic analysis was employed as data analysis. It was revealed that three main components of this model were explored as follows; 1) Health service system such as giving knowledge about vaccines, providing vaccine service and monitoring. 2) Alliance management system in community empowerment, including giving education about EPI with vaccines, publicizing for enhancing cooperation based on each community context, reflecting the problem and obstacle of receiving service and 3) Standard system in the vaccine production, composting of giving knowledge to stakeholders in community taught by religious leaders, managing in vaccine production to be standard and accepted by community and pushing forward the policy of approved halal vaccine production by provincial Islamic committee and Sheikhul Islam office. As results, we gained the model of Thai-Muslim parents who received service of EPI with vaccine via participation of the community and relevant alliances that supported by a public health organization. These findings could provide as guidance in administrating the EPI with vaccine service which the targets are able to thoroughly access. Also, it should be standard accepted that is in line with Thai-Muslim context and consequently the morbidity rate, mortality rate and the epidemic would be decreased.


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How to Cite

Daya S, Lillahkul N, Noin J, Maharmud N. Development of a Parent Empowerment Model in Receiving Service of the Expanded Program on Immunization with Vaccines of Children Aged 0-5 Years Old Through Community Participation: A Case Study in Yala Province. J DMS [internet]. 2019 Feb. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 23];44(1):113-8. available from:



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