Retention of Fissure Sealing using Ultraseal XT Hydro and Embrace on Occlusa l Surfaces o f Partially Erupted Permanen t Molars


  • Tanglamai P


Retention, Sealant, Partially erupted permanent molars


This quasi-experimental research was conducted to evaluate and compare the retention of Ultraseal XT Hydro and Embrace sealant on occlusal surfaces of partially erupted permanent molars. 264 teeth of children aged 5-17 years were sealed with two sealants using matched pair design at Pakchongnana hospital. Total samples had stage of partially eruption that showed entire occlusal surface exposed without overlying tissue, but the distal gingival tissue was adjacent to and at the height of distal marginal ridge or tissue operculum extended over distal marginal ridge. The research instrument was record form verified content validity by experts. Data were collected for general data and retention at 6 months between 15 July 2015 and 14 February 2018. The descriptive statistics were frequency and percentage, and inferential statistic was Chi-square. The results were as follows; 77.3% of Ultraseal XT Hydro were completely retained while 73.5% were retained in Embrace group at 6 months. No statistically significant difference was noted between types of sealant and retention. Sealing with hydrophilic sealant may be the better choice when salivary contamination is expected. However further long-term studies are required to investigate this finding and compare with other sealing materials.


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How to Cite

Tanglamai P. Retention of Fissure Sealing using Ultraseal XT Hydro and Embrace on Occlusa l Surfaces o f Partially Erupted Permanen t Molars . J DMS [internet]. 2019 Feb. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 23];44(1):131-5. available from:



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