Effects of Health Promotion Program for Blood Pressure Control among Hypertention Patients at Internal Medicine Clinic, Angthong Hospital, Angthong Province


  • Kleebpratoom P, Suthiphongkiart B, Sumthong P, Oadpakdee W


Health promotion, Blood pressure control, Self-regulation theory


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How to Cite

Kleebpratoom P, Suthiphongkiart B, Sumthong P, Oadpakdee W. Effects of Health Promotion Program for Blood Pressure Control among Hypertention Patients at Internal Medicine Clinic, Angthong Hospital, Angthong Province. J DMS [internet]. 2018 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 24];43(5):60-6. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDMS/article/view/247764



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