Factors Related to Caries Risk among Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Sangkha Hospital, Surin Province


  • Shoosongdej W, Nimkul K, Thaweedej S


High caries risk, Diabetes, Oral health behavior


Background : Oral complications related to diabetes include dry mouth, a burning sensation, dysgeusia, and enlargement of the parotid salivary glands; moreover, it is clear that diabetes is associate with periodontal disease. However, the relationship between diabetes and dental caries is still under dispute.

Objective : To evaluate the factors that impact the state of the high risk of dental caries in patients with diabetes.

Method : Two hundred and one diabetic patients in Sangkha Hospital, Surin Province were interviewed and received an oral examination for collecting the data. Dental caries were assessed by a cariogram. The interview aimed to collect data such as age, sex, level of education, occupation and monthly income. Participants were surveyed on oral health knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards oral health. Oral health conditions were mainly evaluate by dental examination, plaque index and periodontal examination, further information included items such as unusual tooth morphology, interproximal restorations, exposed root surfaces, restorations with overhangs or open margins, open contacts, and dental appliances. Diabetic data was retrieved from hospital medical records, including the type of diabetes, duration of diabetes, and fasting blood sugar level (FBS).

Results : 170 participants had a high risk of dental caries, whereas 31 patients had a low and moderate risk. Fifty participants were male (24.9%) and 151 participants were female (75.1%). Regarding age, 133 people were under 60 years, and 68 participants were aged 60 years or more. For the levels of education, 170 participants had completed primary school, 20 had finished junior high school, 10 had completed high school and one person had graduated with a master’s degree. The correlation analysis by was analyzed by multivariable logistic regression had found that patients with unusual tooth morphology had high risk of developing caries. Participants with unusual tooth morphology had 2.8 times greater chances to develop dental caries compared to those without unusual tooth morphology (OR 2.8, 95% CI: 1.1, 7.3).

Conclusions : Diabetic patients with unusual tooth morphology are associated with a high risk of dental caries.


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How to Cite

Shoosongdej W, Nimkul K, Thaweedej S. Factors Related to Caries Risk among Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Sangkha Hospital, Surin Province. J DMS [internet]. 2021 Jan. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 21];45(3):34-41. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDMS/article/view/248577



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