The Development of Rehabilitation System for Methamphetamine Abuser: The Foster Families Model


  • Napatsorn Rungsiwaroj, B.N.S.
  • Darawan Thapinta, Ph.D.
  • Kuanchanok Tejafong, B.N.S.
  • Rungtiwa Jaija, B.N.S.


System development, Foster families, Methamphetamine abusers, Rehabilitation system


Background : Relapse after recovery period is still be the problem of methamphetamine abusers. The foster family model is one of the model for relapse prevention among methamphetamine abusers. Methamphetamine abusers will be fostered by volunteer family to be the family members and learn how to live in real community and prepare themselves before rejoining with their own societies without substance use.

Objectives : 1) developing of rehabilitation system based on the family foster model for relapse prevention among methamphetamine abusers, 2) study different of mean scores of caring skills of foster family and self-care of methamphetamine abusers between before and after implement the rehabilitation system that develop by researcher team 3) study relapse rate of subjects after 1-month and 3-month finishing rehabilitation system and4) study satisfaction of subjects finishing rehabilitation system.

Method : This study was a research and development study. There process of system development were 1) systems investigation, 2) systems analysis, 3) system design, 4) systems implementation and 5) systems maintenance and review. Participants consisted of 15 committees of villages, 20 members of foster families, 28 methamphetamine abusers, 10 real family members of methamphetamine abusers and 16 staffs of Thanyarak ChiangMai Hospital. Instruments used in this study were 1) semi-structured questions for group discussion, 2) meeting records and group discussion records, 3) questionnaire for caring methamphetamine abusers by foster families, 4) questionnaire for self-care of methamphetamine abusers, 5) self-care survey by patients and official government aftercare form for methamphetamine use disorder treatment 6) semi-structured interview for satisfaction of foster families who used rehabilitation system for relapse prevention. Data was analyzed by content analysis and Wilcoxon Sign-Rank test.

Results : The rehabilitation system for relapse prevention among methamphetamine abusers, the family foster model was developed. The new system was structured and role of participants was identified. Mean scores of skills on caring methamphetamine abusers by foster families and mean score of self-care of methamphetamine abusers was significantly different between before and after finishing new system implementation (p<.05). Only 11 form 16 methamphetamine abusers can follow for relapse rate, 7 have no relapse at 1-month follow-up, and 10 have no relapse at 3-month follow-up. System users were satisfied with the new system and reported of helpful, structured and role of participants was identified clearly.

Conclusion :The rehabilitation system for relapse prevention among methamphetamine abusers, the family foster model is helpful and can possibly integrate in the health system as an optional relapse prevention for methamphetamine abusers especially in compulsory treatment for substance abuse system in Thailand.


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How to Cite

Rungsiwaroj N, Thapinta D, Tejafong K, Jaija R. The Development of Rehabilitation System for Methamphetamine Abuser: The Foster Families Model. J DMS [internet]. 2021 Mar. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];45(4):81-90. available from:



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