The Comparison Study of Effectiveness between Dry Needling and Ultrasound-guided Interfascial Hydrodissection at Upper Trapezius Muscle in Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial


  • Chinachod Likidsomboon, M.D. Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Institute
  • Pongrin Boonyapaisancharoen, M.D. Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Institute
  • Chantima Chanthipwaree B.N.S Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Institute
  • Siriluck Manapunsopee M.D. Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Institute


Myofascial pain syndrome, Interfascial hydrodissection, Ultrasound-guided, Dry needling


Background: Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) in the upper trapezius muscle is a highly prevalent pain condition and affects the quality of life. Although there are treatments such as dry needling and ultrasound-guided interfascial hydrodissection to reduce pain, there is no study to compare the effectiveness of the two treatments. Objective: To compare the effectiveness of dry needling and ultrasound-guided interfascial hydrodissection on the upper trapezius muscle in myofascial pain syndrome. Method: Participants were randomized to receive dry needling or ultrasound-guided interfascial hydrodissection on the upper trapezius muscle in myofascial pain syndrome. Measurements were changed in the visual analog scale (VAS) scores and neck disability index (NDI). The assessment
was performed at pre-treatment, post-treatment at week 0 and 4. Result: The demographic differences between the two groups are insignificant. The mean difference of both groups in VAS scores post-treatment at week 0 and week 4 declined statistically as compared to the pre-treatment value. The mean difference in VAS scores between groups is not statistically different at all time points. The mean difference in NDI scores between pre-treatment and post-treatment at week 4 is not statistically different. Conclusion: The effectiveness of dry needling in reducing the VAS and NDI scores is not statistically different from ultrasound-guided interfascial hydrodissection at the upper trapezius muscle in myofascial pain syndrome compared post-treatment at week 0 and week 4 to pre-treatment.


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How to Cite

likidsomboon chinachod, Boonyapaisancharoen P, Chanthipwaree C, Manapunsopee S. The Comparison Study of Effectiveness between Dry Needling and Ultrasound-guided Interfascial Hydrodissection at Upper Trapezius Muscle in Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J DMS [internet]. 2022 Jun. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];47(2):95-101. available from:



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