Efficacy of Adding Fish Oil Supplementation on Serum High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Level in Simvastatin Treated Patients
C-reactive protein, Fish oil supplementation, Simvastatin treated patientsAbstract
Background: Atherosclerosis, which is a major contributor to the development of cardiovascular diseases,is the leading cause of death globally. At every stage of atherosclerosis’ pathogenesis—from disease formation toplaque rupture—inflammation is thought to be a significant player. Statins and fish oil supplementation are widelyconsidered to have cardiovascular benefits through a variety of mechanisms, in which the most notable one is theiranti-inflammatory properties. Objective: This study compared the effects of fish oil supplementation on serumhigh-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels in simvastatin-treated patients to placebo. Method: A total of 30 maleparticipants, aged 35–55 years old who had been taking simvastatin for at least six months and met all inclusioncriteria were randomly assigned to receive either fish oil supplementation 1,000 mg/day (EPA ethyl esters 460 mg+ DHA ethyl ester 380 mg) or corresponding placebo for 4 weeks. Serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levelswere compared before and after 4 weeks. Result: Serum high sensitivity C-reactive protein levels were observedto be reduced by 0.05 ± 0.52 mg/L (a decrease of 4.42%) in the fish oil group and increased by 0.29±0.87 mg/L inthe placebo group (an increase of 27.62%). However, when the efficacy between the two groups was compared,there was no significant difference (p = 0.249). Conclusion: There was no statistically significant difference in serumhigh-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels between patients receiving 1,000 mg/day of fish oil supplement and thosereceiving placebo in simvastatin-treated patients.
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