Shear Bond Strength between 3D Printing UDMA Denture Base Material and the Hard Relining Material


  • Sarun Samrit Institute of Dentistry, Department of Medical Services
  • Paitoon Rojanarat Institute of Dentistry, Department of Medical Services
  • Sumana Posritong Institute of Dentistry, Department of Medical Services


3D printing UDMA denture base, hard reline material


Introduction: A 3D printing UDMA consists of different chemical compositions from hard relining materials.As a result, repairing or relining 3D printing UDMA denture base has been questioned in clinical practice. Objective:This study aimed to compare the shear bond strength between 3D printing UDMA denture base and PMMA denturebase material bond with hard relining materials. Materials and Methods: A total of forty denture base specimens,26 mm in diameter and 10 mm in thickness, were prepared for heat cured PMMA (Vertex®) and UDMA (Optiprint®).They were relined with Unifast trad and Tokuyama rebased II, then thermocycled (5 °C / 55 °C, 2 c/min) for 5,000cycles. A shear bond strength test (MPa) was performed on a universal testing machine. Data were statisticallyanalyzed using a two-way ANOVA analysis, followed by Post hoc Tukey’s test (p < .05). Result: Two-way ANOVAshowed significant differences in the shear bond strength values (p < .05). In addition, Vertex® showed the highestshear bond strength value when relined with Unifast trad® (16.39 ± 3.22 MPa), followed by relined with Tokuyamarebase II® (7.81 ± 2.63 MPa). Optiprint® showed the lowest shear bond strength value when relined with Unifast trad®(4.63 ± 2.13 MPa). Conclusion: The two different denture base types have demonstrated that shear bond strengthvalues are corresponded to various relining materials.


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How to Cite

Samrit S, Rojanarat P, Posritong S. Shear Bond Strength between 3D Printing UDMA Denture Base Material and the Hard Relining Material. J DMS [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 27 [cited 2025 Jan. 3];48(1):60-6. Available from:



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