Shear Bond Strength of Relining Materials Bonded to 3D Printed Provisional Crown Material
3D printed provisional crown, polymethyl methacrylate, bis-acryl, shear bond strengthAbstract
Background: The availability of 3D printing technology provides an alternative option for fabricating aprovisional crown. A strong bond between the 3D printed provisional crown and the relining materials is significant forsuccess; however, there is limited information on the materials of choice regarding relining the 3D printed provisionalcrown. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the shear bond strength between the 3D printed provisional resinand different types of relining materials. Method: The specimens were divided into 3 groups (n = 15) according tothe relining materials; Group 1 (control group): Heat polymerized polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) bonded withautopolymerizing PMMA, Group 2: 3D printed provisional resin bonded with PMMA, Group 3: 3D printed provisionalresin bonded with autopolymerizing bis-acryl composite. The surfaces were treated with silicon carbide paper. Thespecimens were then exposed to 2500 cycles of thermal cycling. The shear bond strength was measured via a universaltesting machine. A statistical analysis was done using one-way ANOVA test and Bonferroni at the significance levelof 0.05. Result: The group with heat-polymerized PMMA bonded with autopolymerizing PMMA showed the highestmean of shear bond strength (15.48 MPa). There were no statistically significant differences between autopolymerizingPMMA and bis-acryl composite bonded to the 3D printed provisional resin (10.38 and 11.08 MPa, respectively). Conclusion: There are no differences between autopolymerizing polymethyl methacrylate and bis-acryl compositebonded to the 3D printed provisional crown.
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