Influence of Textured Surface Insoles on Postural Control in Older Adults
Textured insole, Older adults, Postural control, Wii Balance Board, BTS G-sensorAbstract
Background: The loss of plantar cutaneous sensation in the feet is one of the age-related deteriorationsassociated with impaired balance control, increased postural sway, and an increased risk of falling. About 33% ofadults over 65 undergo falls, resulting in serious injuries. Textured insoles are a simple and low-cost interventionthat could improve balance in older adults. Objective: This study evaluated and compared the influence of threetextured surface insoles on postural control and gait parameters in older adults with either a history of falls withinthe last three months or a moderate risk of falls. Method: Fifteen participants above 65 years old participated inthis study. All participants were tested under four conditions (using a within-session repeated-measures design) forstatic balance assessment with eyes closed, functional mobility assessment, and spatiotemporal gait assessment:barefoot (control), Textured Insole A, Textured Insole B, and Textured Insole C. Result: The results revealed thatwearing Texture Insole A significantly improved the static balance assessment, but not the functional mobility and spatiotemporal gait parameters. The textured surface insole significantly influenced postural control, especially when using filled polymer used as 12V wire insulation, with hardness Shore A 55.1, a density of 354.84 g/cm3, a diameter of 6 mm, a height of 3 mm, and a center-to-center distance of the protrusions of 9.5 mm. This was defined as TexturedInsole A. Conclusion: Using a textured insole was a simple and low-cost intervention that could decrease posturalsway and improve postural control.
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