The Evaluation of Relationship between Speech and Velopharyngeal Anatomy in 6 to 12 Year - old Children with Operated Cleft Palate Patients


  • Thida Ratanawilaisak Dental Department, Buri Ram Hospital
  • Pornputthi Puttaravuttiporn Dental Department, Buri Ram Hospital
  • Suteera Kasing Dental Department, Buri Ram Hospital
  • Chatchadaporn Wisetsat Dental Department, Buri Ram Hospital
  • Rungworanistha Lohanut Dental Department, Buri Ram Hospital
  • Pimpakamas Nopparat Dental Department, Buri Ram Hospital
  • Awiga Kinawong Dental Department, Buri Ram Hospital
  • Kanjalak Khantaphasuantara Dental Department, Buri Ram Hospital


Cleft palate, Velopharyngeal anatomy, Lateral cephalometric radiograph, Hypernasality, Hyponasality


Background: Velopharyngeal insufficiency is a cause of articulation disorders in patient with cleft palate. Objectives: (1) To study velopharyngeal anatomy (2) To evaluate the articulation in cleft palate compared to non - cleft palate patients (3) To study relationship between velopharyngeal anatomy and articulation. Method: The subjects were 23 cleft palate (mean age 8.9gif.latex?\pm3.5 years) and 52 non - cleft palate patients (mean age 9.3gif.latex?\pm0.7 years). Lateral cephalometric radiographs were traced for measured length of soft palate, velar thickness, DPS, depth of pharyngeal space and angle of soft palate. The passage “Ma Nee” was used for hyponasality test and the passage “Tuk Tuk” was used for hypernasality test. Result: The result showed significant difference between cleft and non - cleft palate patients in length of soft palate, depth of pharyngeal space, angle of soft palate, hypernasality and hyponasality (p < .05). A negative correlation between velopharyngeal anatomy (length of soft palate and angle of soft palate) and hypernasality was shown (p < .05). No correlation between velopharyngeal anatomy and hyponasality was found. Conclusion: (1) Lesser length of the soft palate, depth of pharyngeal space and angle of the palate were found in cleft compared to non - cleft patients. (2) A significant difference in hypernasality and hyponasality showed between two groups. (3) The length of the soft palate and angle of the palate negatively correlated with hypernasality.


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How to Cite

Ratanawilaisak T, Puttaravuttiporn P, Kasing S, Wisetsat C, Lohanut R, Nopparat P, Kinawong A, Khantaphasuantara K. The Evaluation of Relationship between Speech and Velopharyngeal Anatomy in 6 to 12 Year - old Children with Operated Cleft Palate Patients. J DMS [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 14 [cited 2024 Sep. 17];49(2):32-9. Available from:



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