The Relationship between Osteoporosis and Periodontal Status


  • Thaniya Bohwongprasert Lerdsin Hospital


Osteoporosis, Periodontitis, Community periodontal index (CPI)


Background: Osteoporosis and periodontitis have been taken into account in relation to relevance. Because both are common conditions in middle-aged and elderly people, which is identical in terms of bone mass destruction. Therefore, understanding the relationship of both conditions may lead to new knowledge in proper care for both groups of patients. Objective: To study the relationship between periodontal status and the severity of osteoporosis in patients in care program to prevent refracture of the orthopedic department of Lerdsin Hospital. Methods: This research was a descriptive prospective research. 64 patients were measured bone mineral density (BMD) by the x-ray bone densitometer, in a femoral neck, vertebral spine and total body for assess osteoporosis severity and assess periodontal status by measured by the Community Periodontal Index (CPI) (WHO, 1997). Then, all data are analyzed with Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Results: According to studies, it had been found that There were 64 patients aged between 51-103 years (average 76.3±9.4 years). Community periodontal index (CPI) showed that CPI = 1 (bleeding gums) accounted for 15.6%, CPI = 2 (with calculus deposit) accounted for 48.4%. CPI = 3 (with periodontal pocket depth = 4-5 mm.), Representing 21.9% and CPI = 4 (periodontal pocket depth ≥6 mm.), Representing 14.1%. All patients will receive Bone Mineral Density (BMD) measurements. It was found that the periodontal condition was significantly related to BMD measured only from the femoral neck (p < .05). Conclusions: There is a correlation between bone mineral density (BMD) only in the femoral neck with different levels of community periodontal index (CPI). According to the data, the researcher has suggestions for the care of hip fracture patients as a symbol of multidisciplinary. Because there is a possibility of correlation between osteoporosis and periodontitis.


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How to Cite

Bohwongprasert T. The Relationship between Osteoporosis and Periodontal Status. J DMS [internet]. 2025 Mar. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 19];50(1):76-83. available from:



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