Recurrence of Periodontitis and Tooth Loss in Patients with Supportive Periodontal Therapy: A 9-Year Retrospective Study in Rajavithi Hospital


  • Nopmanee Wongkittikraiwan Dental Department, Rajavithi Hospital


Recurrent periodontitis, Supportive periodontal therapy, Tooth loss


Background: Periodontitis is a chronic infectious disease that causes periodontal tissues destruction leading to tooth loss, affecting chewing efficiency, esthetics, and quality of life. Supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) aims to maintain periodontal tissues in a functional state and prevent the recurrence of periodontal disease. Objective: To study the prevalence and factors related with recurrence of periodontitis and tooth loss in patients receiving SPT at Rajavithi Hospital between January 1 2015 to July 31 2023. Method: A retrospective study was conducted using the medical records of 80 patients who received SPT at Dental Department, Rajavithi Hospital from January 1 2015 to July 31 2023. Data collected included general characteristics, history of diabetes (DM) and smoking, severity of periodontal disease, active periodontal therapy (APT) methods, periodontal condition after APT, duration of SPT, compliance, recurrence of periodontitis, number of remaining teeth, and the number of tooth loss due to periodontitis. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 22.0. Result: Out of the 80 patients, 80.0% were female with an average age of 58.58±11.33 years. 11.3% had DM, 56.3% were in stage III periodontal severity. The average duration of SPT was 61.99±34.01 months. Most patients (81.3%) received SPT by only scaling and root planning (s/rp). The prevalence of recurrence of periodontitis was 42.5%. DM (adjOR 7.27, 95%CI: 1.33, 39.67, p < .05) was related with recurrence of periodontitis. During SPT, 18 (0.9%) out of 2,069 teeth were extracted due to periodontitis with tooth loss rate 0.05 teeth/person/year. Age (adjOR 1.07, 95%CI: 1.01, 1.15, p < .05) was related with tooth loss. Conclusion: The prevalence of recurrence of periodontitis was 42.5%. DM was related with higher risk of the recurrence of periodontitis. Prevalence of tooth loss due to periodontitis is 0.9% and tooth loss rate was 0.05 teeth/person/year. Age was related with tooth loss, with older being at higher risk.


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How to Cite

Wongkittikraiwan N. Recurrence of Periodontitis and Tooth Loss in Patients with Supportive Periodontal Therapy: A 9-Year Retrospective Study in Rajavithi Hospital . J DMS [internet]. 2025 Mar. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 19];50(1):59-67. available from:



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