Pain Experience and Self Care of Pain Management in Elderly

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นุสรา ประเสริฐศรี
สาวิตรี วงศ์ศรี
สุกัญญา สระแสง


The purpose of this descriptive research was to study pain experience and self-care of pain management in municipality community – dwelling elderly in Maung City, Ubon Ratchathani. The purposive sample of 207 elderly persons was recruited. The instrument for collecting data comprised of 3 parts, 1) General personal data, 2) Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) Thai version, and 3) Self-care of pain management. Descriptive statistic was used to analyze data. The result found that the average number of pain sites was 3.2 (SD±4.3).  Knees and low back were the most commonly described pain site. The average of mean score of pain intensity was 3.4 (SD±1.6) and mean score of pain impact was 1.4 (SD±1.4). The participants used both of medications and non-medications for self-care of pain management; however, they likely more took medications to deal with pain; doctors were the main information source for this self-care. In the summary, municipality community – dwelling elderly reported mild to moderate of pain intensity. Participants identified self-care of pain management. However, prevention of complication might concern that nurses in community should teach self-care of pain management.

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How to Cite
ประเสริฐศรี น., วงศ์ศรี ส., & สระแสง ส. (2017). Pain Experience and Self Care of Pain Management in Elderly. Journal of Ratchathani Innovative Health Sciences, 1(1), 33–43. retrieved from
Research Article


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