Comparison Effectiveness of pain management By VNBN pain expression and traditional pain management in Nakhon Phanom Hospital

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จิราภรณ์ พงษ์สูน
ทัศนีย์ เดชเสน
พชรวลี ประชุมรักษ์
มานะ สมบัติดี
วาริณี นครเขต
สิริลักษณ์ ทองสิงห์
จณิสตา สายสุด
ศิริรัตน์ อินทรเกษม


This quasi-experimental research aimed to compare effectiveness among pain management by VNBN pain expression innovation and the traditional pain management in the patient who were operated in female surgical ward at Nakhon Phanom hospital. The samples consisted of 20 patients who were operated at Nakhon Phanom hospital in 3-10 July 2017. The samples were divided into a treatment group and a control group that a treatment group was a group that receives the VNBN pain expression. The data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standardized deviation, non-parametric statistics was Rank-sum Test or Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney-U Test.          The results in this study showed that mean of pain score at 2nd hour post operation of control group that used traditional pain management and treatment group that used VNBN pain expression nursing innovation was different statistically significant (p=0.047) and the mean of pain score of control group and treatment group were 6.4 that was moderate pain and 7.7 that was severe pain, respectively. In addition, mean of pain score at 48 hours post operation of control group and treatment group was different statistically significant (p=0.018) and the mean of pain score of control group and treatment group were 2.2 and 3.6 that was mild, respectively. Therefore, the VNBN pain expression nursing innovation had more effective to assess pain score in the patient who were at 2nd hour and 48 hours post operation than treatment group was different statistically significant at .05.

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How to Cite
พงษ์สูน จ., เดชเสน ท., ประชุมรักษ์ พ., สมบัติดี ม., นครเขต ว., ทองสิงห์ ส., สายสุด จ., & อินทรเกษม ศ. (2017). Comparison Effectiveness of pain management By VNBN pain expression and traditional pain management in Nakhon Phanom Hospital. Journal of Ratchathani Innovative Health Sciences, 1(2), 14–27. Retrieved from
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