Application of Self-Efficacy Program on Self-Care Behaviors in Hypertensive Patients at Yo Health Promoting Hospital, Kham Khuean Kaeo District, Yasothon Province

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ฐิติมา โกศัลวิตร
กัญญารัตน์ กันยะกาญจน์
ทานตะวัน คำวัง
พรรณราย ดารุนิกร


This quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effect of self-efficacy program on self-care behaviors in hypertensive patients at Yo Health Promoting Hospital, Kham Khuean Kaeo District, Yasothon Province. The study was two group pre-post test design. The sample were totally 88 subjects, divided into experimental group consisted of 44 subjects and comparison group consisted of 44 subjects. The subjects in the experimental group attended 5 activities for 12 weeks in self-efficacy program. These 5 activities included 1) providing knowledge and direct experience to control blood pressure 2) interpersonal relation practice 3) motivation 4) evaluation of physiological changes and 5) follow-up to a self-care practice alert. The comparison group got routine conventional health care services from their Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital. Data collected using an interview.The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, percentage, mean, standard deviation and analyzed with analytical statistics, paired t–test and independent’s t-tests.

          The result was shown that after attending the program, the sampling group got higher average score for self-efficacy and was able to utilize self-care behaviors to prevent complications from hypertension better than before attending the program, with statistically significant difference, compared to the normal group. Consequently, the sampling group’s hypertension level had decreased compared to the level before they attended the program, and to the normal group with statistically significant difference. The results of the study showed that the self-efficacy program could increase the perceived self-efficacy, led to an improvement of health, and then affect hypertensive patients to be able to control the systolic and diastolic pressure in appropriate level.

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โกศัลวิตร ฐ., กันยะกาญจน์ ก., คำวัง ท., & ดารุนิกร พ. (2017). Application of Self-Efficacy Program on Self-Care Behaviors in Hypertensive Patients at Yo Health Promoting Hospital, Kham Khuean Kaeo District, Yasothon Province. Journal of Ratchathani Innovative Health Sciences, 1(2), 28–40. Retrieved from
Research Article


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