Behaviors of Blood Sugar Control in Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Ban That Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital

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เกษฎาภรณ์ นาขะมิน
เสกสรร ผ่องแผ้ว
วรนุช ไชยวาน


The aimed of this survey research were to study the behaviors of blood sugar control in Diabetes Mellitus (DM) patients in Ban That Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital. The sample was 68 DM patients by purposive sampling, who receiving services in Ban That Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital. Data were collected by using questionnaire and analyzed by statistic instruments such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

According to the study, The overall average behaviors of blood sugar level control in DM patients is in good level (=2.41) including health behaviors (=2.78)   and preventing complication taking medication and followed-up (=2.75) and stress management (=2.40). For the moderate behaviors level related to food consumption (=1.89) and exercise (=2.23) effect to high score. No warm-up and mixed meals were found in DM patients resulting in the decrease of score level. So, medical and public health authorities should focus on information about diabetes received self-care behaviors especially on exercise and food control.

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How to Cite
นาขะมิน เ., ผ่องแผ้ว เ., & ไชยวาน ว. (2017). Behaviors of Blood Sugar Control in Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Ban That Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital. Journal of Ratchathani Innovative Health Sciences, 1(2), 56–63. retrieved from
Research Article


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