Capacity in Daily Living and Happiness among the Elderly in Thung Khun Noy, Ubonratchathani

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จิรังกูร ณัฐรังสี
สุนิตา ไชยมี
สุวนันท์ จังจิตร
สุภาวินี สุภะพินิ
สุปรียา โพธิ์อุดม


This study was aimed at studying capacity in daily living among the elderly, happiness among the elderly and determining the correlations between capacity in daily life and happiness among the elderly. The subjects in this study were 92 older adults aged 60 years and up in Thung Khun Noy, Jae Ra Mae, Muang, Ubonratchathani who were obtained by simple random sampling. The instruments used in this study were an interview form on demographic data and competency in daily life with reliability according to Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient at 0.77 and a happiness scale with reliability at 0.64. Data were analyzed by determining frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.

According to the findings, capacity in daily living among the elderly was at the level of the group attached to society (97.9%) (93 subjects) and the home-bound (2.1%) (2 subjects) not bed-bound. All of the elderly were able to perform the following activities: eating, dressing, combing hair, face washing, tooth brushing and shaving. The elderly (50%) had bowel and bladder continence. All of the elderly had happiness lower than ordinary people (38.9%) (37 subjects). The elderly had the highest levels of happiness in feeling secure and safe, belief that families would care for the elderly when sick and satisfaction in life (63.2%, 60% and 56.8%, respectively). Capacity in daily life did not have a statistical correlation with happiness among the elderly.

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ณัฐรังสี จ., ไชยมี ส., จังจิตร ส., สุภะพินิ ส., & โพธิ์อุดม ส. (2018). Capacity in Daily Living and Happiness among the Elderly in Thung Khun Noy, Ubonratchathani. Journal of Ratchathani Innovative Health Sciences, 2(1), 50–60. Retrieved from
Research Article


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