The Ethical Teaching of Nursing Instructors in Perception of Student Nurses, Ratchathani University

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ภาวินี ศรีสันต์


           The purpose of this descriptive study was to examine ethical teaching of nursing instructors in perception of student nurses, Ratchathani University. The subjects were 240 student nurses in 2017 academic year, recruited by simple random sampling. Research instruments consisted of the demographic data questionnaire, The ethical teaching of nursing instructors in perception of student nurses questionnaire, The coefficients of reliability of the instrument was .92. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics.

            The results revealed that the mean score of overall ethical teachings was at a good level (gif.latex?\widehat{X}=3.91, SD=.65). The mean score of all aspects of ethical teachings were at a good level for the six components; 1) truth telling (gif.latex?\widehat{X}=4.10, SD=.70), 2) respect for autonomy (=3.98, SD=.76), 3) beneficence (gif.latex?\widehat{X}=3.91, SD=.63), 4) fidelity (gif.latex?\widehat{X}=3.90, SD=.78), 5) justice (gif.latex?\widehat{X}=3.83, SD=.87) and 6) non-maleficence (=3.74, SD=.83).

            The results of this study can suggest that faculty of nursing, Ratchathani University should continuous enhancing and developing ethical teaching of nursing instructors, especially non-maleficence.

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How to Cite
ศรีสันต์ ภ. (2019). The Ethical Teaching of Nursing Instructors in Perception of Student Nurses, Ratchathani University. Journal of Ratchathani Innovative Health Sciences, 2(3), 18–31. Retrieved from
Research Article


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