Factor related to first of the graduate of the Bachelor of Nursing At Ratchathani University

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วนิดา หาจักร
กิตติวรา บุญยศ
ขวัญชนก สิริปี
คริสมาส วังคะฮาต
คันธนีรา สิงห์ดง
จิตรา สีหมอกุ
จิรภา วิจิตย์เชื้อ
จุฑาทิพย์ วรสาร


          This research is a correlation research (Correlational). The research aimed to study the factors that are related to the results of the first-class nursing and midwifery license examination. Of Rajabhat University Ubon Ratchathani Province. The sample group used was graduates of Bachelor of Nursing Science Program, Class 20, Academic Year 2018 of Rajthani University. Ubon Ratchathani province, where 121 applicants were registered for a first class nursing and midwifery license, using Simple Random Sampling method, Sampling without Replacement method By using the formula of Krejcie & Morgan. Data were collected by using a questionnaire consisting of 4 parts: 1) general data questionnaire, part 2 questionnaire. Listing out the first graduates of the three were rescued by the faculty and the university, and the fourth feedback on teaching and other factors. Which affects the exam, analyzing data by using descriptive statistics Pearson's correlation coefficient And the Spearman correlation coefficient. The study indicated that Most samples With a cumulative grade point average of 2.51 - 3.00, 48.8 percent, using a 1 month preparation period, 60 percent of the total examination through 7 subjects, 21.5 percent of preparation is at a high level, 52.1 percent have opinions about the help from professors and universities Moderately suitable 59.5% and the results from the data analysis showed that the GPA and the test results were positively correlated with the results of the examination as a professional practitioner. Ambulance and midwife first class (r = 0.49,0.36) and the preparation of graduates. Graduate teaching management And the assistance from professors and universities is not related to the results of the first-class nursing and midwifery professional registration examination (r = 0.137, p> 0.05), (r = - 0.072, p> 0.05), (r = 0.012, p> 0.05)

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How to Cite
หาจักร ว., บุญยศ ก., สิริปี ข., วังคะฮาต ค., สิงห์ดง ค., สีหมอกุ จ., วิจิตย์เชื้อ จ., & วรสาร จ. (2019). Factor related to first of the graduate of the Bachelor of Nursing At Ratchathani University. Journal of Ratchathani Innovative Health Sciences, 3(1), 51–65. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JRIHS/article/view/213348
Research Article


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