Participation of Primary Care Award (PCA) development of officers in sub district health promoting hospital and community health centers. Kanchanadit Distric. Suratthani Province


  • กิ่งแก้ว ลิ้มสุวรรณ วารสารวิชาการแพทย์ เขต 11


Participation, Primary Care Award


The purposes of this descriptive research were to study and analyze the related factors of the cooperation of Participation of Primary Care Award (PCA) development of officers in sub-district health promoting hospital and community health centers. The sample of this study was a group of officers who worked in the Kanchanadit Health Promoting Hospital, Suratthani. The 81 officers were chosen to represent the sample from the purposive sampling. The research tool was the questionnaire consisting of 4 main parts 1) general information 2) the measurement of the quality of PCA 3) the measurement of attitude towards the perception of cooperation from an organization and 4) the measurement of cooperative development of PCA. As a result, the Cronbach’s alpha method score was 0.74.
In addition, the questionnaires were distributed to the officers (the sample group) during December 13th – December 30th, 2017. Both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (Chi-square) had been used to analyze the data to provide both percentages and averages.
Major findings were the following: The PCA cooperative development of the sample group was in the low level (55.6%), the average level (50.6%) and the high level (44.4%) respectively. It was found that the crucial related factors of cooperative development of PCA, which were analyzed from general information, were position and attitudes towards the corporate support recognition which significantly agreed with the cooperative development. On the other hand, other variables such as gender, the span of age,education, the rate of income, an experience of being a quality development committee and the attending of PCA training showed no relation to the PCA cooperative development.
This research suggests that a mentorship should be provided in order to encourage the CUP committee to plan projects and l earning activities conveniently through a smartphone application. In this case, the officers in practitioner level who had no experience in PCA training are the target of this process.
Furthermore, there should be a visit and empowerment to motivate and reward CUP officers for their efforts.


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How to Cite

ลิ้มสุวรรณ ก. (2018). Participation of Primary Care Award (PCA) development of officers in sub district health promoting hospital and community health centers. Kanchanadit Distric. Suratthani Province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 32(2), 955–964. Retrieved from



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