Problem Situation and Factors related to Community Capacity Level for Dengue Problem Solution


  • พจนา เหมาะประมาณ วารสารวิชาการแพทย์ เขต 11


Dengue, Factor, Community Capacity


The objective of this cross-sectional descriptive studies is to evaluate problem situation and to study factors relating to community capacity level for Dengue problem solution. The sample group is randomly chosen from a group of community leaders who are responsible for encouraging, preventing and controlling disease in their communities. The group of sample is community leaders who officiate to prevent the dengue fever in the community. This group has experienced to operate in the community for more than a year at Tambon Taladchaiya ,Tambon Wiang and Tambon Thung, Chaiya District, Suratthani. The sample totally includes 90 people.
A questionnaire is a research tool consisting of 2 parts of questions about problem situation and factors relating to the Community Capacity Level for Dengue Problem Solution. The first part is general information and the latter is about the community leaders’ capacity level for Dengue Problem Solution. There are 14 sections with 61 questions.
The reliability of the questionnaire is verified by experts and by using Cronbach’s alpha method. It shows 0.83 by using Cronbach’s alpha method. All data is collected by interviewing the sample group between December 1st – 31st. 2017. It is analyzed by descriptive statistics such as percentage and inferential statistics, for example, Pearson Chi-Square and Fisher’s Exact Test.
The results of this study show that 1) Community Capacity Level for Dengue Problem Solution in Chaiya (A district in Suratthani Province) is high. It can be seen that 76.7% of the officers in Health Promoting Hospital have got leadership, 75.6% of them is able to respond to preventing and controlling disease rapidly. However, the result is in a low level in crisis management and public health leaders. 2) Income and time in which the leaders have spent in the areas relate statistically to the Community Capacity Level for Dengue Problem Solution.
The findings reveal that there should be a support for the officers in sub-district level continuously in order to improve the capacity of community leaders in every area by focusing on the low-level development such as the crisis management first. For example, to improve the crisis management, Village Health
Volunteers need to be educated how to search for the mosquito breeding grounds and destroy them immediately. Leadership in public health can be supported by listening to the needs of the community through the Village Health Volunteers. Moreover, studying in a comparative study of before and after the development of a leadership Community Capacity Level for Dengue Problem Solution and studying in the Community Capacity Level for Dengue Problem Solution of people.


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How to Cite

เหมาะประมาณ พ. (2018). Problem Situation and Factors related to Community Capacity Level for Dengue Problem Solution. Region 11 Medical Journal, 32(2), 1033–1042. retrieved from



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