Development of a Nosocomial Infection Surveillance System Using Collaborative Quality Improvement off Hospitals in Ranong Province


  • เพชรดา พัฒทอง วารสารวิชาการแพทย์ เขต 11
  • นิรมล อู่เจริญ วารสารวิชาการแพทย์ เขต 11


Nosocomial Infection Surveillance System, Collaborative Quality


This research is a research development. The purpose is to study for to develop a surveillance system to prevent infection surveillance control in hospital and to compare the results of system development surveillance of infection control in Ranong Hospitals of Ranong Province. Using the concept of quality development through collaboration. Processing time is 4 months from November 2017 to April 2018. The population are professional nurses in 5 hospitals in Ranong Province 337 people. Qualitative sampling with qualification criteria(purposive sampling) 120 people. Divide the sample into 2 groups. Group 1 is lead team 5 people and group 2 is practice team 115 people. Sample size had study about infection control and Focus group 4 times. Collect data using surveys. Questionnaire and record form of infection surveillance. descriptive statistics analyze data percent mean standard deviation ccalculation of sensitivity and Specificity
The results found that.
1. System development used policy requires. Appointment of IC Board. Document. action plan. practical guidelines. There is a responsible agency for control and follow up. Analyze results. Report document to ward. Training and add personnel. Update form and online Reporting System. Use the computer to report. Have report every day. Add Diagnosis Together. Have medical and nursing reviews immediately upon reporting and review every day and there is an infection control unit in the hospital.
2. Comparison of the results of system development Infection control in Hospitals found after system development have Sensitivity to infection diagnosis Increased from 14.3% to 50.0%. The specificity of the hospital diagnosis was 99.9%
The monitoring system infections in the hospital with a method developed by a collaboration of hospitals in Ranong province can guide the prevention, surveillance, control infection in hospitals. But it must be stimulated. Supervision, Follow, control, The report continues. Complete and current.


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How to Cite

พัฒทอง เ., & อู่เจริญ น. (2018). Development of a Nosocomial Infection Surveillance System Using Collaborative Quality Improvement off Hospitals in Ranong Province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 32(2), 1053–1064. Retrieved from



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