Prevalence rate of mental health among personel at Vachira Phuket Hospital 2017


  • อมรรัตน์ ตันติทิพย์พงศ์ วารสารวิชาการแพทย์ เขต 11


stress, depression, mental health


Mental health problems are major problem that will have an impact on workplace among personnel. Especially depression.Jobstress this will affect the work in the hospital, which is characterized by shifts work. The objective of this study is To study the prevalence rate of mental health among personnel in Vachira Phuket Hospital. A descriptive study was used to study the major mental health problems, including depression, using the secondary data from Occupational department. Data from mental health assessment model, 2Q 9Q, and assessing the level and causes of stress. In Vachira, Phuket Hospital, the data were analyzed by frequency and percent and we use chisquare for analysis associated factors include individual factor and working factors.The results show that prevalence rate of depression was 13.3 in the 100 population, with the level of depression was low (10.9%). The level of stress was moderate in Benefits and Compensation .Factor that statistical significant associate with stress is kidney disease and associate with depression is marriage status, no underlying disease and allergy. Therefore, in the management of mental health promotion services of personnel. There should be continuous monitoring and solutions to such problems. This will prevent depression and stress in personnel.


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How to Cite

ตันติทิพย์พงศ์ อ. (2018). Prevalence rate of mental health among personel at Vachira Phuket Hospital 2017. Region 11 Medical Journal, 32(3), 1199–1212. Retrieved from



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