Predictive factors on the Plasma Glucose Level in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus client : Relative analysis under The theory of planned Behavior In SuratThani Hospital


  • สุธิดา พุฒทอง


patients with type 2 diabetes, behavioral intention, behavioral control blood sugar, multiple regression


              This research is Cross-sectional descriptive relative research. The purpose is to predict behavioral intention to control blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes by beliefs about the behavior consisting Attitude The Norm and perceive behavioral control in controlling behavior. A contingent of 140 samples were selected from those who visit the clinic diabetes.,Surat Thani Hospital .Data collected using personal interviews. Beliefs about behavior control blood sugar, the researchers created using the theory of planned behavior of Ajzen (1991), and behavior control blood sugar. Correlation analysis using Pearson correlation coefficient. Analyze and predict behavioral intention to control blood sugar by using multiple regression equations to predict variables simultaneously (Enter Multiple Linear Regression).
              The study found that Patients with type 2 diabetes, attitude, behavior overall is 71.4 percent, with the attitude, behavior and high levels Attitude, 28.6 percent moderate. . And behavior control blood sugar levels by 79.3 percent of the sample had a high-level behavior, and 20.7 percent had moderate levels of behavior. They found those with low levels of behavior. The Groupthink References and efficacy in controlling behavior is positively correlated with behavioral control blood sugar overall statistically significant (r = .256, p <.002), and (r = .269, p <. 001) respectively, the study found that it is based on the assumption that one.
              Check regression analysis showed that the independent variables and the dependent variable is the variable Quantitative and normal. Each independent variable No relationship The dislocation caused by the forecast showed a normal distribution.
The constant variance tolerances are independent. It calculates the multiple correlation coefficient. The weight and importance of the predictors, including attitudinal behavior, The subjective norm, Perceived behavioral control and behavioral intention to control blood sugar levels that are based on the hypothesis that the two variables could predict three independent variables. By weight to predict behavioral intention to control blood glucose levels were highest perceived behavioral control effect of 23.6% (beta = - 0.236) and the second was the norms are 22.9% (beta = - 0.229).
              The recommendations from the findings is need develop a diabetes clinic. The health personnel should develop a belief about the behavior, taking into account the context of each patient. And should focus group looks after a vital role in helping to control the behavior of blood sugar levels. In terms of taking care of the diet ,exercise and The use of diabetes drugs for Disease Control and follow your doctor's instructions that health should organize training courses for relatives of patients, patient care integrated. In the course of foot care Making healthy food and proper exercise to patients. The plan serves as a powerful shots. The proposal to increase or decrease the number of days and patients with diabetes need to check once a month.


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How to Cite

พุฒทอง ส. (2018). Predictive factors on the Plasma Glucose Level in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus client : Relative analysis under The theory of planned Behavior In SuratThani Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(1), 83–96. Retrieved from



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