Development of a Care Systemfor Pediatric Cancer Patients undergoing Chemotherapy in Suratthani Hospital


  • เพียงใจ นวนหนู
  • พอหทัย จิวารัตน์


development, care system, pediatric cancer patient, chemotherapy


              Aim of this action research were: to develop a care system for pediatric cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy at Suratthani Hospital and to evaluate outcomes. Three phases were 1) situation analysis on care for pediatric cancer patients at Suratthani Hospital; 2) development and operation of a care system for pediatric cancer patients; and 3) evaluation. Data collection: Phase I, 12 members of a multidisciplinary team joined a focus group discussion. Phase II, planning and operating of a care system based on a P-D-C-A model which were:1) Plan: enhancing nurses ability in Suratthani Hospital and a hospital
network; 2) Do: developing on a care system for pediatric cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy; establishing a CNPG running by a nurse case manager; 3) Check: piloting a developed care system in Suratthani hospital; and 4) Act: operating of a care system for pediatric cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy in Suratthani Hospital and a hospital network.Phase III, evaluation of 3 outcomes: 1) stakeholders:a multidisciplinary team, pediatric
cancer patients, and caregivers; 2) average length of stay; and 3) average hospital cost. Instruments were: 1) guiding questions for a focus group and interview, 2) an observation record on a care system adherence and satisfaction, 3) thePedsQL; 4) an adverse effect of chemotherapy record form; 5) a LOS, and hospital cost record form. Data analysis were a content analysis for qualitative data; and mathematic mean, standard deviation, and percent for
quantitative data.
              Findings were 1) stackholders: 37 members of a multidisciplinary team adhered and satisfied on a developed care was 86% with positive reflection. Ninety pediatric cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy reported a higher level as compared with a previous study (75.63 ±2.81and 64.5±14). However, incidence of febrile neutropenia , and a grade III of mucositis were 8.49% and 5.23%; respectively. Caregivers' satisfaction was a high level of 86.78%. Average LOS was shorter than preoperational stage (13days and 9 days). Average hospital cost was lower than preoperational stage (40,056baht and 28,300baht).
              Results of this study indicated that a care system for pediatric cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy enchaining a good service. However, the opportunity for improvement was reducing of an adverse effect of chemotherapy. Next step was Act to distribute this care system to a network hospital.


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How to Cite

นวนหนู เ., & จิวารัตน์ พ. (2017). Development of a Care Systemfor Pediatric Cancer Patients undergoing Chemotherapy in Suratthani Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(1), 97–108. retrieved from



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