Evaluation of Antenatal Care, Maternal and Infant Health, Weingsra District, Suratthani Province


  • อนุสรา ก๋งอุบล โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


evaluation, antenatal care, health, pregnant women


              This formative evaluation was to evaluate the context, input, process, and outcome, compared completed and inadequate antenatal care (ANC) with the maternal,neonatal health and birth weight,weingsra district, Suratthani province. The sample of the study were: 1) all ANC staff, 18 persons 2) pregnant women in weingsra district, Suratthani province, 270 persons. Research tools were questionnaire and pregnancy recording form, which used for data collecting during February - September 2016. Data was analyzed with descriptive and analysis statistics by Chi-square test. The results were as followings :
              Context evaluation found that the majority, 89.3 percent of pregnant womenhad good level of attitude toward pregnancy and ANC, 78.1 percent, had high level of confidence in providing care, 93.7 percent had high level of ANC convenience. Input evaluation found that In providing ANC, 11.1 and 5.6 percent lacked of patient beds and weight and high scale, respectively. 11.1 percent lacked of some drug, 33.3, 11.1 and 5.6 percent lacked of nurses, doctors and community health officer, respectively.16.6, 11.1 and 5.6 percent should have the development of new knowledge in the care of pregnant women, quality ANC clinic and knowledge regarding ANC, respectively.Process evaluation found that 57.4 percent got first ANC within 12 weeks, and 54.4 percent got completed ANC (5 times). the majority, 71.1 percent had moderate level of self-care behaviors. 64.4 percent had high level of receiving support from their husbands and relatives, followed by 31.5 and 4.1 at moderate and low level, respectively. For outcome evaluation found that 95.6 and 84.8 percent of maternal and infants were healthy, 10.0 percent of infants had abnormal body weight. Pregnant women and infants who completed and inadequate ANC did not statistically differ
healthy and body weight of infant (P-value >0.05). 81.1 percent of pregnant women got moderate satisfaction with ANC services. For ANC staffs, 66.7 percent got high satisfaction with giving ANC services.


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How to Cite

ก๋งอุบล อ. (2017). Evaluation of Antenatal Care, Maternal and Infant Health, Weingsra District, Suratthani Province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(1), 109–119. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/166818



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