The Factors affect to survival of breast cancer patients in Takaupa hospital.


  • ศรีวิไล ณรงค์ทอง โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


breast cancer, survival


              Breast cancer now was more important of health problem in Phangnga ,Thailand and the world. The purpose of this study was to describe factors affect to survival of breast cancer patients in Takaupa hospital. A retrospective study of 128 breast cancer women who cured in Takaupa hospital during January 1,2007 to December 31,2016.Analysis of this study used percentage mean standard deviation chi-square , odds ratio 95%confidence interval.
Result revealed that most age of breast cancer patients was during 41-50 and 51-60 years old equal 30.47%.First symptoms before saw doctor was 80.47%got mass,12.50% breast pain,2.34% auxillarymass, 3.91% breast wound,0.78% nipple bleeding.Time to saw doctor was less than 60 days 82.04%.Most mass size was 2.1-4.0 cms. 45.31%,46.09% stage II,28.91% stage III,23.44% stage I,1.56% stage 0. After curing 9 years,92.96%survival.Time to saw doctor, sized mass and recurrent was the factors for survival of breast cancer patients significantly. Time to saw doctor more 60 days after first symptoms risk 3.353 to dead more than less 60 days.Size breast mass more 4.1 cms.+breast wound risk 3.010 to dead more than size mass less than 4.1 cms.Recurrent breast cancer risk 59.40 to
dead more than not recurrent..


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How to Cite

ณรงค์ทอง ศ. (2017). The Factors affect to survival of breast cancer patients in Takaupa hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(1), 121–129. Retrieved from



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