The efficacy of computed tomography for detection the causes of vocal cord paralysis at Phatthalung hospital


  • รัชนีกร อุ่นเสียม โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


Vocal cord paralysis, computed tomography, neck


              Objective : To provide the percentage of computed tomography for finding the extralaryngeal cause of vocal cord paralysis.
              Method : A retrospective study. The data was collected from 35 patients the present with hoarseness and were investigated by CT scans for search the extralaryngeal causes of vocal cord paralysis after undetected by laryngoscopy between February 2012 to January 2017.
              Result : The overall 35 patients who have vocal cord paralysis were recruited to the present study. The mean age was 62.86 years (range 37-86 years). The main age group could be observed in 61-70 years old. The ratio of males and females was 1.9:1. 54.3% successful detected by CT scans, however 45.7% was negative finding the causes. In addition, the most common cause of extralaryngeal vocal cord paralysis was malignancy (14 cases, 40%). The detected main cause of malignant tumors consisted of four lung cancers and four lymph node metastasis. The benign condition was detected 14.3% and the main cause was thyroid disease.
              Conclusion : The computed tomography can increase detected the extralaryngeal cause of vocal cord paralysis, especially in malignant of neck include upper chest.


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How to Cite

อุ่นเสียม ร. (2017). The efficacy of computed tomography for detection the causes of vocal cord paralysis at Phatthalung hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(2), 235–242. retrieved from



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