Perception and Expectation of Emergency Medical Service in Paknamlangsuan Hospital, Chumphon Province


  • จิตรประไพ สุรชิต โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


Perception, Expectation, Emergency medical services


              The objectives of this descriptive research were 1) to study the perception of patients and relatives towards expectation in using the emergency medical service and 2) to compare the perceived and expected results between patients and relatives in using emergency medical service. The population of the research was 474 emergency patients and relatives that received services from Emergency department, Paknamlangsuan Hospital, Chumphon Province. The samples were selected from them, by inclusion criteria and divided into 2 groups of patients and relatives (with 1:1 patient and relative ratio), were a group of 237 patients and a group of 237 relatives. The questionnaires for their interviews were developed from literature reviews, such as concepts, theory and relevant research. The data from interviews was monitored, collected and analyzed by descriptive statistic, percentage, standard deviation, and Independent t-test. The results of this research showed that the most of perception in emergency medical service of the patients was low level that indicated 82.70%, whereas the most of expectation in emergency medical service of the patients was moderated level that indicated51.48%. Meanwhile, the most of perception in emergency medical service of the relatives was low level that indicated 73.00%, whereas the most of expectation in emergency medical service of the relatives was moderated level that indicated 53.59%. For a comparison between the perception and expectation of patients and relatives, it found that the perception and expectation of patients and relatives differ substantially at statistical level(P 0.010)with relatives having more perception of emergency medical service than patients, while the expectation in service in both groups were similar in level.
              Finally, this research suggests that the system of emergency medical services at Paknamlangsuan Hospital, Chumphon Province, should have a strategy, guidelines for public relations and acknowledgement regarding the emergency medical services such as hot-line numbering, 1669, service
areas, etc.


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How to Cite

สุรชิต จ. (2017). Perception and Expectation of Emergency Medical Service in Paknamlangsuan Hospital, Chumphon Province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(2), 271–278. Retrieved from



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