Treatment Outcomes of Asthmatic Children before and after attended at Easy Asthma Clinic, Phetchabun Hospital 2015


  • อรวรรณ จิรชาญชัย โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


Easy Asthma Clinic, Effectiveness


              The objective of this retrospective descriptive research was to compare the treatment outcomes of asthmatic children before and after attened at Easy Asthma Clinic in Phetchabun Hospital. The results of treatment were hospitalization rate, emergency admission rate,total control and PEFR>80%.The
population were the patients 1-14 years old among 108 patients who attended at Easy Asthma Clinicfrom 1January-31 December 2015.The data were collected from Out Patient Department cards and Easy Asthma Clinic cards. Descriptive statistics were described as percentage,mean and standard deviation. An Inferentialstatistics were also performed using Chi square,Fisher Exact test and McNemartest.
              Thetotal control wasstatistical significantly increased from 6.48% to35.1%(p<0.001).The emergency admission rate and hospitalization rate were statisticalsignificantly decreased from 35.1% to 11.1% and 38.8% to 13.8% respectively(p<0.001).The predicted Peak Expiratory Flow rate >80% was statistical sign ificantly increased from 10.5% to 36.84%(p<0.001).
              The suggestion from this study was the favorable outcomes of Easy Asthma Clinic in Phetchabun Hospital,which could improve the asthmatic treatment outcomes and quality of life of asthmatic patients. We should apply Easy Asthma Clinic in all hospitals.


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How to Cite

จิรชาญชัย อ. (2017). Treatment Outcomes of Asthmatic Children before and after attended at Easy Asthma Clinic, Phetchabun Hospital 2015. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(2), 279–285. Retrieved from



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