Evaluation of Leptospirosis Surveillance in Phatthalung Hospital, Phatthalung Province, 2015


  • ปีติมา วีระพันธุ์ โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี
  • โสรญา สงบดี โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


Evaluation of surveillance, Leptospirosis, Phatthalung Hospital


              The reporting information on Leptospirosis of Bureau of Epideminology, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health in 2015, it has been reported that there are 37 patients (the incidence rate of 9.03 per 100,000 population) and 6 deaths (the mortality rate of 1.15 per 100,000 population) in Phatthalung province. In addition, the incidence rate is the forth-highest rate in southern Thailand and the highest rate in the 12th health zone while
the mortality rate is the highest rate both in southern Thailand and the 12th health zone. From these points, the evaluation of Leptospirosis surveillance in Phatthalung Hospital has been explored to study the procedure of reporting of diseases and to study the qualitative and quantitative characteristics in order to improve the Leptospirosis surveillance system to be more efficient.
              A cross-sectional study was reviewed by medical records of in- and out-patients in Phatthalung Hospital from January 1st to December 31st, 2015 and diagnostic medicine with ICD-10 TM code as a designated with the interview of the involving participants of all levels of surveillance. The quantitative characteristic result was found that there are 372 medical records of patients that are
compatible with the ICD-10 TM code. There are 32 out of 372 records of patients are infected as reported in the definition of infectious diseases in 2003. However, only 23 recorded patients are in R 506 surveillance system in which the sensitivity and positive predictive value (71.88% sens. and 71.88% PPV) are reasonable. When considering the representative, gender and age variables can be used as representatives. Male to female ratios from R 506 and medical record information are 2.83:1 and 2.2:1, respectively. For age variable from R 506 system, it was found that the median age is 48 years (IQR 30-59), which corresponds to medical record information of 49.5 years (IQR 33.3-58.8). Timeliness is 95.65% (22 records). For qualitative information, age and habitat (subdistrict and district) variables are completely correct with 100% while variables of gender, type, date of incidence and career are 95.65%, 91.30%, 78.26%, and 73.91%, respectively. The qualitative characteristic result was found that this system is acceptable, easy, flexible, and stable. Knowhow and information are practical and beneficial. In conclusion, the Leptospirosis surveillance in Phatthalung Hospital in 2015 is efficient both quantitative and qualitative characteristics.


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How to Cite

วีระพันธุ์ ป., & สงบดี โ. (2017). Evaluation of Leptospirosis Surveillance in Phatthalung Hospital, Phatthalung Province, 2015. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(2), 293–303. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/170147



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