Survey of oral health status in psychiatric in-patients at the Nakhonsawan psychiatric Hospital


  • พรพรรณ ธีระรังสิกุล โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


Oral health status, Dental health survey, Psychiatric in-patients


              Objective : Survey oral health status and treatment needs of psychiatric in-patients at the Nakhonsawan psychiatric Hospital.
              Methods :This survey is the part of field survey research that recorded oral health status of in-patients first at the Nakhonsawan psychiatric Hospital during 1 April 2013 to 31 July 2014. There are 418 subjects selected by simple random sampling. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics.
              Results : The results showed that 72.01% of subjects are men and 27.99 are women, 40.19% of those don’t know what education level they have, 69.62 are single, 38.76% are domiciled in Nakhonsawan province. The prevalence of dental caries is 90.43. Mean number is 24.27 teeth per person. DMFT index is 11.76 teeth per person. Because of this, most psychiatric patients need to be treated by extract about 76.79%, meet minor is one surface fill at 73.92%, two or more surface fill at 47.37%, found little is endodontics treatment and crown 2.39% and 1.44% respectively. The prevalence of periodontal disease is 87.22%, most found are periodontal pocket 4-5 mm. 48.87%, meet minor is calculas and bleeding at 34.34% and periodontal pocket>=6 mm. 15.54%. Number of teeth>= 20 is 80.96%. The patients who have 4 posteri or occlusal pairs are 37.56%. Prosthetic status, patients wear upper and lower partial denture 0.96% and wear upper and lower full arch denture 1.44%. Prosthetic need, patients need upper and lower partial denture 31.10% and need upper and lower full arch denture
              Conclusion : Comparison with the 7th national oral health survey, Oral index of psychiatric patients higher than the general public. The finding of this study show that access services get oriented services and proactive services are necessary for psychiatric patients. Individual and group dental health education are necessary for psychiatric patients and care givers.


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How to Cite

ธีระรังสิกุล พ. (2017). Survey of oral health status in psychiatric in-patients at the Nakhonsawan psychiatric Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(2), 339–348. Retrieved from



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