Predictive Factors on Intention to Health Self Care for HIV Client in Counseling Department, Suratthani Hospital


  • นฤนาถ ดวงจันทร์ Suratthani Hospital


behavioral intention, self-care behaviors of people infected with HIV, multiple regression equation.


              This research study analyzes the relationship. To predict the intention of self health care of people infected with HIV of health advisory services Suratthani Hospital. Using a cross-sectional study (Cross sectional study) in people infected with HIV. Registered and counseling at the Medical service. Suratthani Hospital selected sample criteria from October 2559- December 2559 under the number 100 is allowed to carry out research by the hospital ethics committee. Surat then collected by questionnaire with a Gauges Top 5 on the belief about the behavior of self care of people infected with HIV, five on each side, 6 quality monitoring tools. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient that higher than 0.75 Analyzed by a computer program. Statistical correlation coefficient Pearson and multiple regression equation (Enter).
              The study indicated that Sample People infected with HIV and 100 people are believed to include the self-care behaviors of people infected with HIV. The average high in five areas: attitude toward behavior (27.87 SD 2.44) subjective norms (26.86 SD 3.30) and the perceived behavioral controls (26.81 SD 3.16), as well as behavioral intention (27.01 SD 2.93). and behavior of the group (22.84 SD 5.21) faith behavior. That the perceived behavioral controls is associated with behavioral intention at the level of statistical significance was found that efficacy in controlling behavior. Weight relationships Behavioral intention highest (r = .743, p <0.01), followed by the subjective norms (r = .604, p <0.01), and the behavior (r = -. 553, p <0.01). and predict behavioral intention, with a significance level (R) is equal. 761, which shows that independent variables could explain the variance of the dependent variable was 58.0% (R2 = .580), according to the hypothesis. These results suggest that perceived behavioral control weight prediction intent on self care of people infected with HIV, the highest result of 57.8 (beta = - 0.578) and found that behavioral intention and. perceived behavioral control can predict self-care behaviors of people infected with HIV have a significant percentage of 47.8 (p <.01) percent and 20.0 (p <.05), according to the framework.
              The results of such research The findings should lead to development of counseling. Skill in communicating with patients by providing the initial consultation and advanced applications in the peer group. Health care for the same disease. The research was to be a qualitative study together to find the depth to predict self-care behaviors of people infected with HIV and AIDS.


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How to Cite

ดวงจันทร์ น. (2017). Predictive Factors on Intention to Health Self Care for HIV Client in Counseling Department, Suratthani Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(3), 385–397. retrieved from



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