Nursing Care in Patients who receive Anesthesia for Cervical Spine Operation
general anesthesia, cervical spine injury, nursing careAbstract
At present , general anesthesia is more complicated in particular a risk patient. New technique is applied in therapy. Nurse anesthesia have to be knowledgeable and be able to apply into practice. Nursing care composes of seeking for problems , setting up for nursing diagnosis , applying nursing intervention and Leading to evaluation. Nursing process in patients receiving general anesthesia based on a practice guideline For spine injury patients was presented by 2 case studies with different position for operation as Follows
Case 1 showed pathology of compression fracture C5 and spinous process fracture C3-4 He was arranged by supine position. He worried about operation and general anesthesia in pre-anesthesia phase and anesthesia phase. However, operation was done well without any complication. Post-operation phase, he go sore throat and fever. He took 4 days for post-operation period and then he was discharge home.
Case 2 his pathology was fracture C4-5 spine with spinal cord compression prone position was done with hypertension was found before operation. He worried about general anesthesia. It was also hypotension which applied of light anesthesia and ephedrine given for blood pressure control. This case took longer time operation and general anesthesia than case 1 , resulting in hypothermia , keep warm was needed. Moreover , agitation from his alcohol withdrawal needed treatment as well. Hence , 6 days after operation, he was discharge.
Finding of this study could apply as a guideline for nursing care in general anesthesia patients. Nursing care and complication of position arrangement for general anesthesia (supine and prone) symptom management and complication management intraoperation should be concerned.
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