Evaluation of Medical Services for Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Outpatient Department, Hospitals in the Area of Health 11


  • สุนันทา กาญจนพงศ์ โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


Evaluation, Medical services, Diabetes mellitus patients, Area of health 11


              The objectives of the formative evaluation research were to 1) evaluated medical services for diabetes mellitus patients, 2) studied the related between hospital type with the ability to control blood sugar levels, 3) compaired hospital type with satisfaction to medical services, 4) studied the problems of service receivers and service staff. It was conducted both quantitative and qualitative studies. The samples for the quantitative study consisted of 1) 438 diabetes mellitus patients at hospitals in the area of health 11, selected by multistage random sampling 2) all 143 doctors and professional nurses who provided medical service, selected by purposive sampling. Questionnaire, medical and length of service record were used for data collecting. Data analyses were conducted by using descriptive statistics Chi-square test and ANOVA. For the qualitative studies, data were collected from a group of 30 persons who were doctors, professional nurses and diabetes mellitus patients, selected by purposive sampling. Guideline for in-depth interview were used for data collecting. Data analyses were conducted by content analysis. The results 1) context system was found that 42.9% of diabetes mellitus patients had low level of the ability to access the medical services, followed by high level and medium level at 32.4 and 24.7%. The majority (74.5%) had high level of the confidence in medical services. Regarding to input, 12.6 and 6.3% lacked of equipment to educate and blood glucose test meter. For personnel found that there was inadequate personnel at 62.9%, sufficient potentiality to some provide medical care at 21.7%. For the process evaluation, Diabetes mellitus patients spent 3.24 hours on the average for medical treatment and got medical treatment on every appointment at 60.7%. Regarding to outcome, 58.2% of diabetes mellitus patients got moderate level of self-care behaviors, they could blood sugar level controlling at 26.3%. 2) type of hospitals did not related with blood sugar control capacity of diabetes mellitus patients. 3) 66.4% had high satisfaction to medical service. Regarding to staffs, 58.0% had medium level of medical services providing. Different type of hospitals made statistically significant difference with satisfaction to medical service receiving (P-value < 0.001). 4) Problem of service receiving; little number of service staff (6.4%), narrow service area (5.3%) and duration of service (4.3%). Problem of staffs provider; quality patient care, lake of staff and talk time with patients at 5.6%, 4.9% and 2.8%, respectively.


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How to Cite

กาญจนพงศ์ ส. (2019). Evaluation of Medical Services for Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Outpatient Department, Hospitals in the Area of Health 11. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(3), 465–482. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/170854



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