Effected of Development and Integration for Long Term Care System of Elderly Ranong Province


  • ประภาพร จอมเทพมาลา โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


Elderly, Development System, Long Term Care System


              Objective:To identify the risk factors associated with survival in congestive heart failure at medical wards. Methods : A retrospective review of medical records of 730patients who were diagnoses as congestive heart failure in ICD-10 as I-500 between October 2013-september 2015 was conducted. Fifteen factors were included in univariate and only significant factors were included in multivariate analyses. Results : Population study were conducted730 patients with average This evaluation and analytical research was to evaluation activities of daily living (ADL) of elderly and compare experiences between before and after of elderly long term care system with integrated in Ranong province. Apply from CIPP model and mixed methods consists of quantitative and qualitative were employed to data collected during 2017; March-May. Simple random sampling was included 472 examples, include 42 personnel, 137 of elderly, 137 of elderly caregiver in family, 132 of elderly caregiver volunteers and 24 of local government administrator. Research tool was included activities of daily living assessment (ADL; alpha 0.86), health care system assessment for the elderly (alpha 0.94), interview record, caregiver volunteer assessment (alpha 0.93) and participatory assessment of local government administrator (alpha 0.97). The analysis approach of the triangulation included the descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used Chi-Square Tests (c2) and content analysis of quantitative.
              The results indicated that ADL total was well elder 88.3% (Mean=16.48, SD=5.17), service quality of personnel was high level 85.6% (Mean=38.62, SD=6.31) and overall satisfaction was high level 81.0% (Mean 29.38, SD 5.72), potential of elderly caregiver in family had quality could be used development opportunity better than before was found that significant (p<0.001). potential of caregiver volunteer had quality could be used development opportunity better than before was found that significant (p<0.001). Local government administrators there were agree with this development of elderly care had significantly better than before system (p-value<0.05) and overall of product outcome this operation of development system was achieved 8 indicators were as follows elderly who was not exploited 100%, elderly to receive care and treatment when sick 96.9% , religious practice and subsidized dependency 95.4%, elderly have been examined for general health annually 90.5%, reasonable and safe facilities 90.5%, the elderly was mind in family 90.5% and participate in social events 90.1%. 2 indicators were not achieved as exercise and the elderly was live with family or nearby.
              Conclusion : These findings illustrate the effected of development for long term care system of elderly could be increased activities of daily living better than before that significantly.


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How to Cite

จอมเทพมาลา ป. (2017). Effected of Development and Integration for Long Term Care System of Elderly Ranong Province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(3), 507–522. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/171480



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