Performance Appraisal Diabetes Care System Public Health District hospital Chaturapakphiman District Roi-Et Province


  • วิภาพร อุตมะ โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


Evaluation, Diabetic, Caring for diabetic


               This evaluation research study has objective for analysis problem and difficulty on diabetes care system in public Health district hospital: We have example group : divided in two groups. The first group :Hospital and public health district hospital staffs about 38 person .Second group is diabetic about 130 person ,30 patients with diabetes mellitus by simple random selection. We used tools research for example group as satisfaction questionnaire of the staffs and the patients about performance appraisal diabetes :care system in public health district hospital, Clinic record form that passed the examination directly by specialist and reliability testing with Cronbach alpha, as value, inquiries from staff and patients satisfaction : 0.911 and 0.909 respectively. Collected data by distribute the questionnaire of example group between 2 March 2017 – 30 April 2017 analysis data by descriptive statistics include a percentage average and standard deviation.
              Research Result Overall result reference from CIPP Model by stufflebeam found that contextual inputs and process: the staffs very satisfied, medium, low level respectively. Productivity: the staff have satisfied in the most level. Clinical outcomes of patients found that HbA1C<7% , MAU 30-300 mg/L, eGFR 60-89 ml/min/1.73 m2, 24.60, 64.60 and 48.50 percent respectively. No eyes and foot complication found 90.80 and 100 percent respectively. Analyzing the problems and obstacles found make a summary of patient development : Diabetes care system by have a supervisory team track and evaluate performance, Policy review operational plan, develop knowledge about relevant personal computer system update used data link system between the hospital and public health district hospital. Increase communication channels between multidisciplinary team and should have budget for management. This research has suggested about service review system adjust the appointment system, reduce congestion for patients are satisfied. Study quality research to demonstrate the pattern and operation that reflect more behavior.


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How to Cite

อุตมะ ว. (2017). Performance Appraisal Diabetes Care System Public Health District hospital Chaturapakphiman District Roi-Et Province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(4), 577–588. Retrieved from



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