The Study and development of school milk surveillance by cold chain system in the primary school of Phuket province


  • สมนึก ฮาเส็ม โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


school milk, cold chain, pasteurized milk, Ultra High Temperature (UHT) milk


              The Study and development of school milk surveillance by cold chain system in the primary school of Phuket province is to study situation, knowledge and problems in storing milk in the primary school of Phuket Province. This study is used to be information to develop the surveillance of school milk quality by cold chain systems. The population in this study are primary schools in Phuket province. The method used in the study was a questionnaire which composed school information, student information, school milk information, trading school milk information, school milk storing information, distribution/consumption of school milk information and drinking milk monitoring of students. The statistics used in this study is the frequency and percentage.
              The study of school milk situation found that school milk consumption of 100 percent represents 72.1 percent of all schools. Most of them consume both pasteurized milk (during semester) and UHT milk (during vacation). The full amount of school milk that schools need was delivered by the school milk agent company (transmission line) with the manual inspection of school milk supplied by FDA/OBEC Operator inspection.15 samples of school milk was collected to analyzed found that the bacterial standard as defined. The cognitive in school milk storing issue found that most schools have a container of ice for keeping pasteurized milk to control temperature of school milk before delivering to students. The school milk agent company (transmission line) provided containers of ice is to keep and control temperature of school milk not to exceed 8 degree Celsius, enough capacity for whole school milk. In addition to, they are on duty to maintenance those containers as well. UHT milk, most of them pack in paper box and stack not more than 8 layers.Storage area can keep milk temperature below 45 degree Celsius and enough for all of milk. Store school milk on shelves at least 10 centimeters height from floor.Storage location is clean. It can protect milk from carrier, wet and direct sunlight. Problems issues in school milk storage were found that most schools do not have a thermometer to measure milk temperatures.
              Monitoring of school milk quality should be undertaken in a participatory manner with relevant sectors. For examples, Local government organizations support budget to improve storage area and equipment to store school milk properly, the school milking agent (transmission line) is responsible for testing of milk samples. Teachers or staff responsible for school milk inspect the quality of school milk every time before drinking and reports. Public health officials and public sector partners such as Or-Yor-Noi or Or-Sor-Mor evaluates and monitors cold chain in the responsible area to be consistent. The provincial nutrition (milk) committee is responsible for collecting, analyzing, summarizing and proposing solutions to the provincial CEO.


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How to Cite

ฮาเส็ม ส. (2017). The Study and development of school milk surveillance by cold chain system in the primary school of Phuket province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(4), 607–618. Retrieved from



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