The Development of Comprehensive Care Stroke Patients in Phetchabun Hospital Network


  • อมรรัตน์ กุลทิพรรธน์ โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี
  • วัชราภรณ์ โต๊ะทอง โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี
  • จีระกานต์ สุขเมือง โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


Comprehensive Care, Stroke Patients


              This research and development includes two phase; Firstly, to develop clinical nursing practice guideline of stroke patients in the hospital and secondly, to develop the guideline in communities. The purposes of this study were to develop complete care of clinical practice guideline for stroke patients and to examine the result after used the guideline in the Heath Service Network of Phetchabun Hospital for October 2016 to June 2017. The sample groups were separated into two groups; The first group were patients that received nursing care from Phetchabun hospital and 44 nurses, 106 patients who followed the complete care clinical nursing practice guideline as well as 110 patients who didn’t follow the guideline. The second sample group was 32 patients who had score of normal daily routine less than 75% and also received discharge planning, the complete nursing care with clinical nursing practice guideline. The instruments were the clinical nursing practice guideline and structure of the complete nursing care for stroke patients and the record form used to analyze the clinical practice guideline and structure of the complete nursing care for stroke patients and the feedback form from nurses who utilized the clinical nursing practice guideline and structure of complete nursing care for stroke patients. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Fisher Exact test and paired t-test.
              The results of this study found that after used the clinical nursing practice guideline and discharge planning in the hospital the nurses had a high level of satisfaction with the complete nursing care. The complications with lung and urinary infections in group of guideline practice received were significantly lower than patients who did not receive the complete nursing care with (p < .000) . There was no difference in occurrence of bedsores in communities. Moreover, patients had a greater quality of life and higher score of nursing care satisfaction with a significance of (p < .000) . The follow up in patients got better from 28.18% to 75.47%. The results of this study can promote stroke patients to improve their quality of life and capability to conduct normal daily routines and also be applied to other chronic diseases.


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How to Cite

กุลทิพรรธน์ อ., โต๊ะทอง ว., & สุขเมือง จ. (2017). The Development of Comprehensive Care Stroke Patients in Phetchabun Hospital Network. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(4), 619–630. Retrieved from



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