Development of the physical therapy education program for stroke patients caregiver


  • สายใจ นกหนู โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี
  • จุฑามาศ ทองบุญ โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี
  • มณีภรย์ บกสวัสดิ์ โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


Physical therapy program for stroke patients


              This Research and development study aimed to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of physical therapy education program for stroke patients caregiver by 1) compare the knowledge of stroke patients caregiver before and after recieve program 2) study the satisfaction of the stroke patients caregiver after recieve program. Methods : This study composed of 3 phases These are: 1) Analytical and programmatic design. The researcher individual interviewed the content needs of stroke caregivers. 2) Design and develop the program confirm by neurologist, physical therapist and video production specialists. 3) Experimental the program and evaluation program in to 20 sample stroke caregivers. Using the knowledge and satisfaction assessment created by the researcher and content validation by experts. Data were analyze by descriptive statistics and t-test
              The results of the study showed that physical therapy education program for stroke patients caregiver was effective. Confirm with the mean score of physical therapy knowledge in stroke patients caregivers after receiving the program significantly increased than before recieve the program. And 92 of stroke patients caregivers were satisfied the physical therapy education program. Conclude that physical therapy education program for stroke patients caregiver could be used and disseminated for an effective physical therapy in stroke patients


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How to Cite

นกหนู ส., ทองบุญ จ., & บกสวัสดิ์ ม. (2017). Development of the physical therapy education program for stroke patients caregiver. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(4), 667–676. Retrieved from



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