Accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology in Neck mass in Ranong hospital


  • ศิริวัฒน์ ธัญสิริพงศ์ โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


Fine needle aspiration cytology, Histopathological examination report, Neck mass, Accuracy


              Neck mass is very common clinical presentation in routine ENT clinical practice . A spectrum of pathological lesions ranging from simple benign lesion to highly malignant manifestration is observe. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a simple, quick , inexpensive and accurate method that used to sample neck masses those found in the neck and is usually performed in the outpatient clinic. Including the salivary gland, lymph node and thyroid gland lesion can be readily diagnosed using this technique.
              Objective : To study the incidence of neck mass and accuracy of fine needle aspiration in neck mass at the department of otolaryngology, Ranong hospital.
              Method : The study was a retrospective analytical study which was conducted at department of otolaryngology Ranong hospital during a period from August 2008-December 2016. Patients who with a clinical diagnosis of neck mass that underwent fine needle aspiration. This study evaluated the findings on FNAC and the histolgical finding observed after surgery. In addition, the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive and negative predictive value in the diagnosis were computed.
              Result : Present study was done in 118 patients of neck mass which were subjected to FNAC and their results were later correlated with histopathological examination report( HPR) wherever available. Out of 118FNAC,HPR available only in 114 cases. In present study 47 cases of lymph node
( 39.80%), 62 case of thyroid gland (52.54%) , 5 cases of salivary gland (4.23%) were present. The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of present study were 98.25, 97.56, 98.63, 97.56, 98.63 respectively
              Conclusion : fine needle aspiration cytology is very simple and accurate technique for diagnosis of neck mass


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How to Cite

ธัญสิริพงศ์ ศ. (2017). Accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology in Neck mass in Ranong hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(4), 709–720. Retrieved from



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