Outcomes of Sub-acute rehabilitation program in stroke patient, Suratthani hospital
Sub-acute, rehabilitation, strokeAbstract
Objective : To evaluate the outcome of the sub-acute rehabilitation program in stroke patients. Method : Using a retrospective analytic design to evaluate the outcomes of Suratthani hospital’s Stroke Units patients before and after the introduction of the Sub-acute rehabilitation program.
Result : There was no statistical difference in the demographic characteristics between the two groups of patients except for discharge type. The number of patients receiving the rehabilitation service during admission was roughly the same, i.e. 53.8% and 56.6% respectively but statistically differed when comparing rehabilitation post-discharge, i.e. 12.2% vs 46.4% (p-value <0.001). The Barthel index (BI) was recorded after the development of Sub-acute rehabilitation program and showed 48.3% of patient was severely dependent in activity of daily living (ADLs) to moderately dependent in ADLs (BI 0-70 score). The BI was significant increase during follow up (Mean, SD = 56.59, 34.77) when compared with BI before discharge (Mean, SD =44.49, 27.78), (Mean diff = 12.1, p-value= 0.026).
Conclusion : The introduction of the Sub-acute rehabilitation program significantly increased the number of people receiving post-discharge rehabilitation service.
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