Effectiveness Program of Diabetes Mellitus Care System on Seamless Network at Thalang Hospital, Phuket Province.


  • อานนท์ แก้วบำรุง โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


Diabetes Mellitus type 2, Effectiveness, program of Diabees Mellitus Care System on Seamless network


              This Quasi experimental research (one group pretest-posttest design) was to study the effectiveness program of diabetes mellitus care system on seamless network in Diabetes Mellitus clinic at Thalanghospital. Population in this study consisted of 50 diabetes mellitus type 2. This program was developed from all significantly factors from research study in phrase 1 including, 1.Health behavior 2.Health accessability 3.Health perception. 4.The program was developed 5 activities including, knowledge increasing and health perception, self-management, self-reinforcement, knowledge sharing, self-following-up and assessment in lasted 4 months. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire and behavior-record form and data analyzed to test research hypothesis by Paired Sample t-test.
              The result showed that , the factors significantly increased mean score of health behavior (P-Value<0.001), were health service system accessibility (P-Value<0.001), health perception (P-Value<0.001), and control blood sugar level (P-Value<0.003). The result revealed the perceived barrier of treatment before and after the test was not statistical significance(P-Value=0.347). These finding, show the study time for 4 months may be not enough. Thus, the new research study will be create by the qualitative research and participatory research to emphasize diabetes mellitus treatment and encourage of self-care health behavior changing of diabetic patient.


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How to Cite

แก้วบำรุง อ. (2017). Effectiveness Program of Diabetes Mellitus Care System on Seamless Network at Thalang Hospital, Phuket Province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(4), 745–756. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/172167



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