Factors associated shivering of surgical patients after anesthesia in recovery room


  • สมหมาย ทองมี โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี




               The objectives of the descriptive cross-section research were to studied shivering of surgical patients after anesthesia and factors affecting shivering of surgical patients after anesthesia in recovery room. The samples were 170 patients and the samples were selected by simple random sampling. The research instrument were anesthetic record. Data were collected during October 2016-March 2017,analyzed by computer program, descriptive statistics (percentage, mean and standard deviation) and chi-square test
              The result were as follows.
              The study show that in the recovery room patient undergoing general anesthesia was 52% female and 47.6% male. Age between 30-49 years was 52.9%. Age under 30 years was 39.4%. Almost the patient BMI between 18.5-24.9kg/m2 was 52.9%. BMI more than 25 was 39.4%. And BMI less than 18 kg/m2 was 7.6%. ASA class II was 61.8%. ASA class I was 38.2%. Almost patient’s body temperature before operation not more than 36.9 ํC was 48.8%. And body temperature between 37-37.4 ํC was 41.2%. Patients undergoing general anesthesia was 92.4% and undergoing general anesthesia 92.4%. And undergoing spinal anesthesia was 7.6%. The major operation was 88.2%. And minor operation was 11.8%. Operative time more than 60 min was 50%. And operative time between 61-120 min was 31.2%. Room temperature less than 22 ํC
was 57.1%. Estimated blood loss less than 100 ml was 67.4%. And estimated blood loss between 101-800 ml was 34.1%. Almost patient has administered warmed IV fluid was 66.5%. And has not used forced air warming blanket was 57.6%. All of patients in the recovery room have shivering grade 0 was 50%. And shivering grade 2 was 20.6%.
              The study shows statistically significant that associative factors of shivering after operation in the recovery room were BMI less than 18.5kg/m2, major operation, operative time between 61-120 min, room temperature less than 22 ํC. Other factors such as sex, age, asa classification, body temperature before operation, type of anesthesia, estimated blood loss, warmed IV fluid and forced air warming blanket use were not associated with shivering.
              According to the results, there should be developed availability of equipment (force -air warmer) and continuous research prevention shivering of surgical patients after anesthesia


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How to Cite

ทองมี ส. (2017). Factors associated shivering of surgical patients after anesthesia in recovery room. Region 11 Medical Journal, 32(4), 1237–1248. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/172458



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